How To Keep Yourself Safe
It is important that you know how to keep yourself safe when in school and also outside of school. The information on this page can help you. If you have any questions or concerns, always speak to a trusted adult. In our school there is always someone you can talk to.
- Your class teacher or teaching assistant.
- Any of the senior teachers who meet weekly to discuss children's safety:
- Ms Leahy, the Headteacher
- Mrs Williams, the Y6 teacher and KS2 Leader
- Mrs Donoghue, the Y2 teacher and KS1 Leader
- Mrs Whitehead, the YN teacher and EYFS Leader
There is also a worry box in your classroom and in the Safe Space if you don't want to talk.
Being Kind to One Another
When one person is kind to another - two people benefit and smile.
If you are concerned about bullying, talk to your class teacher or Ms Leahy.