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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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Visiting our local care home to perform our nativity to the elderly residents... they loved it!!

We finished sewing our decorations, ready to hang on our Christmas tree!

Fun at the Christmas Fair!

English: writing a clear set of instructions about how to make a beautiful Christmas card!

RE: drawing and writing about the Anunciation

Writing and performing our Christmas acrostic poems

Geography: exploring and sorting food packaging from around the world

Science and PE: learning about what happens to our bodies when we exercise and why it is so important for us

Science: our (very wet!) handwashing investigation

Geography: investigating the world's continents and oceans

Computing: using Word to type exclamations and questions... with the correct punctuation marks!

PE: creating shapes and balances in gymnastics

RE: learning about the Sacrament of Baptism

Science: What are the different food groups and what do they provide our body with?

Black History Month: our posters about Malorie Blackman which we shared with the rest of the school.

Poetry: a selection of our animal poems

Maths: practising our subtraction skills to find the difference, to balance equations and to answer some tricky word problems!!

Storytime! Reading our journey tales to the Year 1 children.

History: How do we remember the 5th November?

Art: creating colourful fireworks posters!

Maths: creating 2-digit numbers and working out 10 more and 10 less

Writing: using adjectives to describe the wicked witch!

RE: reflecting on the story of creation.

Science and art: describing the life cycle of a frog and using printing techniques to create different insects

History: analysing evidence and acting out part of the Gunpowder Plot

Art and PSHE: making worry dolls

PE: practising our sending and receiving skills

Whole School project: The Carnival of the Animals

Science: What would I need if I was stuck on a desert island...?

Our Class Motto to show how we are all connected as one team

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
