Class Overview
Nursery 22-23
Summer Term 2022-2023
We have continued to work on our Rainbow Fish theme, using our line drawings of fish from last week. The children have fully embraced this activity and have been very invested, producing some stunning artwork in their observations and paintings of fish.
Spring Term
We started Lent this week by making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Father David led the Ash Wednesday service for YR and YN and distributed the ashes. To help us think about our Lenten Promise, we have been colouring in crosses each morning. We will be talking about the significance of Lent for our RE lessons this term in preparation for Easter.
The children are getting use to waiting for their turn in our cooking activities. Making pancakes, they took turns to count in the spoonfuls of ingredients and stirring the mixture. It has also supported literacy skills for ‘Talk for Writing’ by emphasising the vocabulary for recounting the recipe. For example, ‘first’ we put in the flour, ‘then’ we beat the eggs, 'next' we add the milk etc.
Our Easter Parade
Making toys with recycled materials
After making their toy boats the children experimented to see if they would float. They created wind by blowing and watched how they were able to move the boats across the water. They discovered that when the water went into the boat, the boat sank to the bottom.
Autumn Term