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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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Year 6

Year 6 overview

Y6 Reading Progression



Zavier(our winner of the Primary Engineer competition from a few years ago)keeps winning! His invention has now won the prestigious MacRobert Medal, where young people from across the UK are awarded for being leading creative problem solvers in engineering innovation. Well Done!

This week Year 6 performed to the school and all their parents their production of Shakespeare Rocks.

Today Year 6 and the student council visited Westminster Palace. They had a tour of both houses and a work shop on how laws are passed, before debating a new law. We definitely have some future Members of Parliament in the group.

Today was international day! Year 6 were given the country Poland. We tried amazing food, learnt all about the culture and traditions and created some wonderful Wycinanki Polish art.

In English we have been thinking about Information Text. The children decided on their own topic that they wanted to do an information poster about.

2D to 3D- as part of our recent art project we have been looking at the work of Lubaina Himid. Inspired by her we have created our own immersive exhibition of creatures.

SAFETY IN ACTION We were very lucky with the weather at our Safety in Action trip this week. The children learnt lots of important information to help them as they move to secondary school. There were tents set up with lots of different scenarios on: Fire, Healthy relationships, Online Safety, Alcohol & drugs, Misinformation (extremism), Rail safety, Ladder of Risk (police), Would you rather? (peer pressure).

As part of our DT, Year 6 have been making sock monkeys- they used back stitch, blanket stitch, sewing on buttons and tagging to create their new pets. We all found it very peaceful!

In March Year 6 performed on the stage at The Stage theatre. The danced to Revolting Children from the musical Matilda. They did an amazing job and we are all very proud of them.

This week was Children's Mental Health week with the main topic being Connections. As part of this, we thought about how we will be soon making new connections, with new friends, when we leave this school and go to our new secondary schools. We made poems to help us in this transition.

This week Year 6 went on a trip to The Imperial War Museum as part of our World War 2 topic in history.

Year 6 have been going to Sevenoaks School to have Handball lessons- which they have all really enjoyed. They were also lucky enough this week to meet a Paralympian- Clare Danson. The children found her very inspiring.

BREAD DAY: As promised an update on our own bread creations. The children worked really well together coming up with their own bread recipes. We were all so impressed with the outcomes and even more happy with the taste! Well done everyone!

Victorian Pomander Balls: To end our history topic of Victorians, we made some traditional Victorian Christmas tree decorations using oranges and cloves- the class smelt really lovely and festive once we were done.

As part of design technology this week, Year 6 have been making bread. We made white bread rolls, which turned out really well and tasted delicious. Next step is to research and make our own recipe - Watch this space for what they create.

It was Anti-bullying week this week and year 6 thought about how we would act in different senarios we might face- especially as they move onto secondary school. We thought about if we are going to be Bystanders or Upstanders for those around us.

Year 6 had a homework project to make a 3D heart. They did amazingly, we even had a few cakes- which were delicious!

As part of our science topic of The Circulatory Scheme, Year 6 had to opportunity to see inside an actual heart this week. It was fascinating to so clearly see the different sections.

Thank you Fr Peter for coming and talking to the class about our RE topic 'Vocation.'

October 2022- Year 6 visited Reculver bay as part of their 'coasts' topic.

September 2022- Year 6 residential trip to the Isle of Wight.

September 2022- Year 6 have studied coastal features and how they form.

Class Overview

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
