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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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St Thomas' Donated Funds

School's Donated Funds


School Donated Fund


All schools continue to face huge pressure on budgets.  Contributions to the fund ‘take the strain’ off the school budget.   The basic funding provision enables us to employ core teaching staff, run the school and equip the classes to a basic level to meet the requirements of the curriculum.  The Donated Fund is vital in supporting all aspects of the School development.  In recent years the number of parents supporting this fund has fallen drastically as their children have moved onto Secondary School.  The number of parents who now do regularly contribute is now at 3%.  The school is extremely grateful to the six new parents (and staff members) who now contribute, but we need more support.


We, therefore, ask that you consider setting up a regular donation to the School Donated Fund.  Our current contributors donate by monthly direct debit of £5, £10 or £15 per month.  Any contribution, however, big or small, will be gratefully received.


We are mindful of the current economic climate, uncertain outlook and financial pressure continuing to be experienced by some families again, so emphasise again that this is a voluntary contribution.  We are extremely grateful for all donations received.



What is the School Donated Funds

This was set up in 2001 as a charity registered with HMRC, for voluntary donations made by parents and friends of the school for maintenance and improvement of the school and its infrastructure.  St Thomas’ School Donated Fund is listed as St Thomas fund on the charities trust website.



I already support the school by attending PTA events – Is this not the same thing?


We are fortunate to have the excellent support of the PTA who generously provide funding for items which are important to the rich education environment that we provide for the children.  Their funds are devoted entirely to enhancing the educational experiences of the children.  They contribute towards school trips, creativity weeks, events for the children, books for the library and other additional resources for the class and teachers including IT equipment.


We understand that there are many demands on the family budget and that for some families additional requests for financial donations to the School are difficult or indeed impossible, but any donation you can afford to make will be of huge value. 


Do other schools have a similar fund?


The funding issues that St Thomas’ face apply to all state schools and many schools have similar arrangements to St Thomas’.


How Can I Donate?


  1. You can set up a standing order or make a one off payment into the bank account which is only associated with the Donated Fund.

Please put your youngest child’s name as a reference.

Account Name:  St Thomas Primary School Governors Fund

Sort Code: 60-19-02

Account Number: 76267822

2. You can make a one-off payment via parent pay. 

3. Some employers also run a ‘Matched Giving’ scheme, or Payroll Giving where voluntary contributions are deducted from the employee’s gross salary before tax is deducted and then the company will match the equivalent amount, doubling the amount the school receives.

If you are a UK tax payer we are able to claim Gift Aid.  A Gift Aid Declaration Form is available through the school office.

Current Status of Funds





Development Fund

Friendship Fund

Balance brought forward into 22-23 (this should match the balance showing on your balance sheet)




Income for 22-23 of which £133 is FF












22-23 Expenditure (please list each item)




EY Kitchen Project - Oaks - Supply and Fit Kitchen




EY Kitchen Project - Fusilier - Replacement Distribution Board for EY Kitchen to make electrics work




EY Kitchen Project - Fusilier - New Hand Dryers




EY Kitchen Project - fusilier - New Electric Points and Cabling for Oven etc




FF - Trip Support
















Balance remaining at year end 22-23 - of which £1,432.15 is FF




Kitchen Project not finished further equipment to be purchased



New Improvements for 2023-24

New improvements for 2022-23

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
