Year 6 created their own recipes for bread. The room smelt delicious and it tasted good too!

In Science this term we have been learning about the Circulatory System. We were given a homework project to create a 3D heart.
We have been lucky enough this term to be part of Sevenoaks School's OutReach program. We have been going along to their art and computing departments to work on small projects.

Year 6 were lucky enough to have a talk from Piers Torday, he told them all about what inspired him to be a writer.
Year 6 went on a trip to Reculver in Kent, to compare the coastline and the coastal protections to White Cliff bay in the Isle of Wight.

Year 6 explored their identity through art in Autumn term 1.
Year 6 had their residential trip to the Isle of Wight last week. They all had a fantastic time, learnt lots and overcame some fears.....even the adults! The weather was not always on our side, but it didn't stop the smiles on everyone's faces.
This week we have been out and about in the playground being taxonomists. We have been trying to classify the trees and bushes that we have using the Linnaeus system.