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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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SEN Department

The SEND Process at St Thomas'

All children are different, and teachers differentiate each lesson to cater to all learning styles and needs in their class.  Some children may be identified by the school as having ‘Special Educational Needs’.  At St Thomas' we educate the whole individual child.  The school supports all pupils in the following way:

  • In the second week of each term the Headteacher and SENCO meet with all class teachers to discuss the progress of all children.  Class provision plans are then written to ensure that all necessary support is put in place, assessed and reviewed.
  • This review meeting will lead to children being assessed by the SENCo team in the classroom. 
  • If necessary the school will send home a school concern form.  This may lead for further assessment of a child’s needs.   Some children then have an individual provision plan, others go on to be supported with an Education Health Care Plan, depending on need.
  • Parents sometimes seek assessment of their children from other agencies.  The results of these assessments will be discussed at the termly meeting.  A meeting between the SENCO team and parents will then be arranged.
  • Parents of all children who have an individual provision plan will meet with the class teacher (either in person or on zoom) three times a year to discuss their child’s needs.


The school employs a SALT (speech and language therapist) and an OT (occupational therapist) directly so that we are able to support our children as quickly as possible.

If you have any queries please email the Headteacher (Mrs Geraldine Leahy) or the SEN Assistant (Mrs Geri O'Keefe-Parr- or make an appointment to meet your child’s teacher at a mutually convenient time. 

The SEN Register


What is a SEND Register?

This is a list of all the pupils in the school who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or a disability.  This makes it easier for the Inclusion team and staff to monitor those pupils who need extra help and to ensure they receive more targeted support to enable them to make good progress.  

Why is my child on the SEND Register?

Any pupil on the SEND register has been identified as having a special educational need and/or disability. Their difficulty is preventing them from learning at a rate we would expect for them.  Extra help will be given to these pupils to help them to make progress.


What does this mean for my child?

If your child is placed on the SEND Register, then they will receive extra help and targets will be set and reviewed more frequently.  This will be set out on a Provision Map so that you can see what help your child is receiving and how often.


Will my child always be on the SEND Register?

This can vary.  Some pupils with significant needs will always be on the SEND Register because they will always need help.  Other pupils may only need help for a short amount of time and if they no longer need any help, then they will be removed from the SEND Register in discussion with parents/carers.

We monitor the needs and progress of pupils using the graduated approach.

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
