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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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We have been working on pictures for the school Art Exhibition, drawing inspiration from great artists including Van Gogh, Klee, Fragonard, Monet and Andy Warhol.

As part of our study of rivers, we spent the day in the river Darent at Horton Kirby. We measured the flow at different points and learned about permeable and impermeable rocks.

The students produced some beautiful artwork, mark-making using pencil and black ink to create the texture of seashells.

The KCSP Children's Writing Conference in Gravesend was a huge success. We joined Year Five students from 23 schools for workshops by Michael Rosen, Zohab Zee Khan and Chante Timothy.

We made small vases out of clay and decorated them with Ancient Greek-style patterns, thinking of the vases we had seen in the British museum.

Our 'Greek Day' was great fun: some fantastic costumes and delicious Greek food to try. We acted out two Greek dramas and held our own mini-Olympics!

Y5 made their own micro:bits and used them to take part in the national BBC School Playground Survey, checking variety of animals and surface temperature. They achieved a Gold Award!

Year 5 joined pupils from the whole school for an 'Eco-Afternoon' to revamp our school grounds - planting fruit trees, weeding and clearing.

We explored the fantastic Parthenon Marbles and the many other Ancient Greek artefacts at the British Museum.

We had a fantastic two days at Bowles Outdoor Activity Centre. Everyone challenged themselves and achieved more than they thought they would!

We are so proud of what our students achieved in the Topical Talk Festival - one Standpoint Award, one second in the country for contributions, and some others highly placed.

We have enjoyed learning about the fascinating Ancient Greeks this term. We acted out an agora (marketplace), researched life in ancient Athens and drew our own Greek vases.

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
