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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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PE: the children worked in small groups to learn a routine to the music from Aladdin.

Christmas Fair: the children had great fun visiting all the stalls, playing the games, decorating their gingerbread men and, of course, buying lots of toys!!

Nativity: well done to all the children for their amazing nativity performance, not only to their families but also the residents of Rockdale Care Home.

RE: we discussed the symbols that are used within baptism and what significance they have for us today.

PSHE: we watched a video and discussed how to keep safe on the road by remembering to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK and HOLD HANDS!

Science: we continued our learning about being healthy by focusing on the effects and benefits of exercise on our bodies.

PSHE: we learnt about our British Values and also about UK Parliament Week, before taking part in our own class vote (about our favourite ice cream flavour!)

Maths: We have been learning about the properties of shapes. The children searched for lines of symmetry within capital letters of the alphabet using a mirror and they also created models of solid shapes using straws to represent the edges of the shape.

Anti-Bullying Week: learning how to be a good friend by noticing positive things about each other!

Geography: learning mapping skills by creating a "memory stick" to find our way through the beautiful trees at Bedgebury Pinetum

Science: our food group posters explaining the different groups and what those foods provide our body with.

Geography: using our word processing skills, we wrote some facts about the different continents.

Ruby House Day - we raised money for CAFOD, played games in the afternoon and ate some delicious homemade cakes!

Sharing stories: we enjoyed reading our journey tales to the Reception Class!

Art: creating portraits inspired by Paul Klee

PE: practising our sending and receiving skills to play different games.

History: imagining what Guy Fawkes and his conspirators might have said to each other when planning the Gunpowder Plot

Art: inspired by the work of Picasso, we created our own abstract portraits

RE: creating our own rosary beads to use for our prayers at home.

International Day: We had such a fantastic day learning about the geography, history and culture of Slovakia.. and tasted some delicious food!

Prayer & Liturgy: the children did a wonderful job of acting out and narrating the Gospel message that children are so special and important to Jesus

Whole School Project: our beautiful poems describing the different parts of a sycamore tree

Whole School Project: we sketched sycamore tree leaves and we went on a walk from school to identify sycamore trees in our local area and to do some bark rubbing

PSHE: our learning goals for the year!

RE: The children worked in pairs to create their own morning prayer to include what we are thankful for and how we would like God to care for those in need around us. The children used their word processing skills to record their ideas.

Maths: We explored how to create different 2-digit numbers using a range of resources. The children showed their understanding of the value that each digit has.

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
