We have been practising how to draw closed shapes to produce a face for our self-portraits and filled in details to complete the picture.
We made a model rocket and found out how to make it take off using elastic bands and split pins.
Continuous Provision outside supports children’s learning in all areas of the curriculum.
Explore and talk about different forces they can see and feel.
The children experimented with water to see how much they would need to make the sea creatures slide down the drain pipe.
Phonological awareness
To support our phonological awareness and embed our phonic learning, we have started 'having a go' at writing the letter sound of the week. We have started with the letter 'o' which complements our self-portraits we have been drawing. The children were shown the correct way to sit; backs against the back of the chair, both feet flat on the floor and supported to hold the pen with the right grip. The children have been enthusiastic and have enjoyed practising forming the letter 'o' the correct way.
Singing a train song helps us to develop phonological awareness, so that they can: - spot and suggest rhymes - count or clap syllables in a word
Using recycled materials to make a car
An activity to support counting.
The children were asked to count 4 wheels and 4 split pins and use fine motor skills to attach them onto their racing cars and follow a three part instruction.
Developing our coordination skills in PE.
We used the benches and mats to travel across in different ways during our PE lesson in the hall; remembering to jump off and land with both feet as well as bending their knees and to finish by stretching their arms above them. We had to practice following instructions as well as waiting our turn.