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St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School

Learning in the light of Christ.

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We have ended the term with some Christmas festivities! We all enjoyed the Christmas meal in our jumpers and hats, before singing Christmas songs together in the playground.

Year 6 had a visit from the local police department. They told us all about how to stay safe online- very useful as we move towards getting ready for secondary school.

In Design Technology this term we have been studying all things bread! We started by tasting different types of bread and thinking about all the types of bread around the world. We then all made white bread rolls- which were delicious! Each group then decided on their own type of bread that they would like to make- with great success!

As part of Road Safety Week, Year 6 thought about how they can stay safe when they walk to and from school by themselves. We looked at the number of children that get run over and thought about how phones could be a major factor of this high percentage. They made posters to highlight the importance to put phones away and LOOK UP!

As part of our science topic of the circulatory system, year 6 were asked to create their own 3D hearts. I am so impressed with the what they created! Well done everyone!

FOREST SCHOOL: Year 6 spent a day of outdoor learning on Monday. They had a great time making bread on an open fire, preparing banana splits and drinking hot chocolate. They even made a birds nest big enough to fit the whole class in!

This week was Anti-Bullying Week- to help celebrate all our uniqueness we wore odd socks- the brighter the better!

Year 6 have started planning their dance routines for the Love2Dance show in March. They are showing great team work and lots of courage with some high lifts! Watch this space for more updates.

This week Year 6 went to Reculver bay in Kent. We found out about the sea defences in the local area and how they are allowing the local cliffs there to be at the mercy of the sea. We explored the rock pools, learning about the many creatures that survive in this ecosystem. We were very lucky with the weather!

This week we have been out in the school grounds lichen hunting. We found lots of different types: bushy, crusty and leafy.

ART: Linked with our study of Argentina and our one point perspective work in art, year 6 drew and painting pictures based on the colourful streets of Boca, a district in Buenos Aires.

International Day: Today Year 6 learnt all about Argentina! We learnt about the varied landscape of Argentina and about its history. We were very lucky to also have some delicious treats made for us: chocotorta and alfajore.

Isle of Wight Residential: Year 6 had a great time on our residential. They all pushed themselves and have worked really well as a team.

Coasts. As part of our geography topic of coasts, we have been learning about the erosion of headlands. The children created models to explain the processes that happen.

We have been recapping on our online safety this week. We talked about how we can stay safe online and the importance of picking a secure password.

Horse Chestnut. We have been learning all about the Horse Chestnut tree throughout the seasons. We wrote some beautiful poems about the changes that occur and drew botanical pictures in the style of Carl Linnaeus.

Trust Information

St Thomas' Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Thomas’ Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
